Hi readers , today I am going to talk about Sleep.
Sleep is to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial , of consciousness ; cease being awake.
For all civilisations and sophistication , human beings are still animals , and our brains and bodies are governed by primal biological functions and needs.
Sleep plays a very huge part in the way our body function , so big in fact , that if we were totally deprived of sleep for an extended period of time , we will actually die!
Having a deep , restful sleep allows our bodies to rejuvenate , restore and regenerate themselves. Every part of the body is affected - the brain , the nervous system , immune system , emotions etc.
Therefore , if you want to live longer, keep your body strong and healthy , help your brain stay sharp and focused , improve your memory or keep your emotions positive , healthy and balanced , you have to recognise the importance of sleep.
Instead of seeing our need to rest as a weakness , we need to learn to welcome it as our ally , as a friend who wants to help us learn to live our best life !
Summing up , I have an advice to give you . Always remember that better sleep truly does lead to a better life , in every possible way!
Editor-in-Cheif of 7he$Tr@1Ght$71mE$
Bryan Santoso